• Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are an area of moving electrical charges. We encounter EMFs in our everyday lives through our cell phones, microwaves, Wi-Fi routers, computers, and other appliances that send out a stream of invisible energy waves. EMFS have been shown to have harmful effects on the human body.

  • Electromagnetic fields (EMF), in both ELF (extremely low frequency) and radio frequency (RF) ranges, activate the cellular stress response.

    EMFs can affect your body’s nervous system function and cause damage to cells. Cancer and unusual growths may be one symptom of very high EMF exposure. Other symptoms may include:

    Sleep Disturbances, including Insomnia


    Depression and depressive symptoms

    Tiredness and fatigue

    Dysesthesia (a painful, often itchy sensation)

    Lack of concentration

    Changes in memory



    Loss of appetite and weight loss

    Restlessness and anxiety


    Skin burning and tingling

    Changes in an electroencephalogram (which measures electrical activity in the brain).

  • The Vita Chip is a blend of precisely ground minerals combined with a programmable mineral called magnetite. Encapsulated in a carrier material, the Vita Chip activates the natural healing properties of the body. Thirty years of research in the field of information medicine has given us enough data in order to program thousands of beneficial frequencies onto our devices. Our technology alters negative electromagnetic fields and protects the wearer/user from the impact of EMR radiation emitted from electronic devices (EMFs).

  • In today's society, our bodies are exposed to alarming levels of newly introduced EMFs. These EMFs cause a multitude of health issues and generally bring the body to an imbalance. This is an ever-growing issue, especially now with the introduction of 5G. These fields can trigger stress levels to rise within the body, causing the brain to send out false warning signals that cause symptoms of pain to manifest.

  • The Vita Chip is programmed with over 1300 beneficial frequencies, giving the body what it needs in order to achieve homeostasis. This prevents health issues from starting, even before the condition has set in. The human body always wants to come back to a state of homeostasis but, due to today's technology, our body’s electromagnetic fields are constantly being bombarded with unbalancing negative frequencies (harmful EMFs given off by everyday electronic devices). The Vita Chip is able to transform these harmful EMFs into positive, healing frequencies.

    Thousands of our clients have reported a reduction in the following ailments:

    Back pain, chronic joint pain, sleep apnea, tendonitis, headaches, asthma, allergies, food sensitivity, brain fog, gut dysfunction, heart conditions, hormone and metabolic imbalances, painful symptoms during a woman's monthly cycle, emotional trauma, states of depression and much more.

    You can read our reviews here:

  • The Vita Chip does not block the signal or get rid of EMFs, this would make telecommunication devices not work. Instead, the Vita Chip modifies the electromagnetic field by sending out coherent fields and information frequencies. This makes EMFs bio-compatible with the body’s natural electromagnetic field every human has. This is why our products can not be tested with an EMF meter. The way you can test our products is by testing a person with and without a Vita Chip, measuring their responses to the EMF field by an electroencephalogram (EEG) machine, which is a machine that records brain activity. The Vita Chip has been shown to substantially improve the EEG scans. We have extensive testing you can see some of our findings here.

  • Yes, the Vita Chip 2.0 is specifically designed to reduce the harmful effects of 5G millimeter-wave 5G frequencies.

  • Yes, the Vita Chip has gone through extensive testing you can see our findings here.

  • Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) is a condition defined by the attribution of non-specific symptoms to electromagnetic fields (EMF) of anthropogenic origin. In other words, the EMF exposure from common man-made electrical devices negatively affects the physical and mental health of those with EHS.

  • Biofeedback: a Biofeedback device uses a specialized computer to diagnose health problems, similar to an antivirus program used on a computer. It scans through the body's organs, nervous system, and meridians to find the general vibration the body is functioning under. The body functions at optimal health in a state of homeostasis. This state is constantly being disrupted by ever-increasing man-made radiation fields. The most alarming fact is that children and the elderly are 2-3 times more susceptible to the effects of EMFs. Over 30 years of research in the field of information medicine has given us enough data to program thousands of beneficial frequencies into one tiny device called the Vita Chip. Through our exclusive engineering process, the Vita Chip gives off all of the frequencies your body needs, 24 hours a day, to rehabilitate your body into homeostasis.

  • Simply adhere the Vita Chip to any electronic device in your surrounding area. This works on cellphones, laptops, tablets, Bluetooth devices, smart meters, Wi-Fi routers, computers, microwaves, baby monitors, hybrid cars, and much more. Alternatively, place the Vita Chip directly on a specific area of your body where you may be feeling pain or general discomfort. Once this is done, the Vita Chip goes into resonance with your body's electromagnetic field and supplies the body with positive frequencies to achieve an optimal state of health.

  • Getting rid of all EMF emitting devices to limit exposure is just not feasible in the fast-paced and highly connected world we live in. One may attempt to avoid highly exposed places like shopping centers or public transport as a solution. However, EMF-shielding devices may be a more viable solution.

    Our devices reduce the harmful effects of EMF radiation.

    The Vita Chip is a blend of minerals programmed by a state-of-the-art biofeedback device. Through our exclusive engineering process, we can convert harmful EMFs given off by cell phones (including 5G devices) and other electronic devices and turn these into bio-compatible electro-magnetic healing fields. These fields allow your body to reactivate its natural healing potential, bringing the body back into a holistic state where the immune system is functioning properly and cell stress is reduced.

    Thousands of our clients have reported a reduction in the following ailments:

    Back pain, chronic joint pain, sleep apnea, tendonitis, headaches, asthma, allergies, food sensitivity, brain fog, gut dysfunction, heart conditions, hormone and metabolic imbalances, painful symptoms during a woman's monthly cycle, emotional trauma, states of depression and much more.

  • The Vita Chip lasts a lifetime and comes with a lifetime warranty.

  • The Vita Chip harmonizes the electromagnetic fields it comes in contact with, which is why we recommend one Vita Chip on each electronic device with a high EMF output.

  • We recommend Vita Chips for cellphones, tablets, computers, WiFi routers, smart meters, wireless headphones, baby monitors, microwaves, and all Bluetooth devices, as well as hybrid cars.

  • The Vita Chip will be placed ideally near the antenna of your device but will be effective if it is in contact with any part of your device.

  • A phone cover will not change the effectiveness of the Vita Chip. We recommend putting the Vita Chip under your phone case to protect the device.

  • Yes, the Vita Chip is a 100% waterproof device.

  • We offer free shipping anywhere in the USA!

  • We have a 90-day-no-questions-asked guarantee for a full refund on any of your purchases if you are not 100% satisfied with our product.