EMF Radiation’s Harmful Effects

What are EMFs?

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are moving electrical charges that we encounter in our every day, digital-oriented lives. From cell phones and Wi-Fi routers to computers and even smart meters, EMFs exist invisibly all around us.

EMFs can operate on different wavelengths and frequencies. These can trigger unique reactions in the human body. Long-wavelength, low-frequency EMFs emit non-ionizing radiation, while shorter wavelength, higher frequency EMFs emit ionizing radiation.

What is electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS)?

Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) is a condition that certain individuals may suffer. While everyone can potentially be harmed by EMFs, some people may be more prone to the negative effects than others. They would be classed as having electromagnetic sensitivity.

Can EMFs affect my health? 

We live in an electromagnetic soup with EMFs all around us. With the arrival of 5G which operates at high-level millimeter wavelengths of between 30 GHz to 300 GHz, naturally, there are some concerns about potential dangers. 

Studies have revealed that being exposed to higher levels of EMFs can disrupt our health by causing oxidative stress in the body, especially the nervous system.

“EMFs influence metabolic processes in the human body and exert various biological effects on cells through a range of mechanisms. EMF disrupts the chemical structures of tissue since a high degree of electromagnetic energy absorption can change the electric current in the body. As a result of this exposure, the functions of organs are affected.”

It’s often claimed that only short wavelength, high-frequency EMFs that emit ionizing radiation are harmful to health. This is not the case. 

Even low-frequency EMFs emitted by cell phones have been reported in studies to be harmful, by altering the permeability of the blood-brain barrier.

While it is impossible to eliminate EMFs from all aspects of our lives, it is possible to shield yourself from them at home and on the go using a pioneering EMF protection device like Vita Chip.

How can I reduce my EMF exposure and improve my health? 

While removing all EMF-emitting devices isn’t possible in the fast-paced, highly connected world we live in, there are steps you can take to lessen their impact. Here are our recommended ways.

 1 Avoid highly-exposed places like shopping centers or public transport where possible.

 2 Turn your router off at night and avoid sitting near it.

3 Limit your use of non-essential Bluetooth-powered devices like headphones, keyboards, and speakers.

4 Use non-Bluetooth headphones when making long calls. 

5 Do not sleep with your phone by your head. Keep it in another room if possible.

6 Attach an EMF-shielding device like Vita Chip to your cell phone, tablet, or router.


Our devices reduce the harmful effects of EMF radiation.

The Vita Chip is a blend of minerals programmed by a state-of-the-art biofeedback device. Through our exclusive engineering process, we can convert harmful EMFs given off by cell phones (including 5G devices) and other electronic devices and turn these into bio-compatible electro-magnetic healing fields. These fields allow your body to reactivate its natural healing potential, bringing the body back into a holistic state where the immune system is functioning properly and cell stress is reduced.

Thousands of our clients have reported a reduction in the following ailments:

Back pain, chronic joint pain, sleep apnea, tendonitis, headaches, asthma, allergies, food sensitivity, brain fog, gut dysfunction, heart conditions, hormone and metabolic imbalances, painful symptoms during a woman's monthly cycle, emotional trauma, states of depression and much more.

The underlying technology behind the Vita Chip

Biofeedback: a Biofeedback device uses a specialized computer to diagnose health problems, similar to an antivirus program used on a computer. It scans through the body's organs, nervous system, and meridians to find the general vibration the body is functioning under. The body functions at optimal health in a state of homeostasis. This state is constantly being disrupted by ever-increasing man-made radiation fields. The most alarming fact is that children and the elderly are 2-3 times more susceptible to the effects of EMFs. Over 30 years of research in the field of information medicine has given us enough data to program thousands of beneficial frequencies into one tiny device called the Vita Chip. Through our exclusive engineering process, the Vita Chip gives off all of the frequencies your body needs, 24 hours a day, to rehabilitate your body into homeostasis.

How to use the Vita Chip 

Simply adhere the Vita Chip to any electronic device in your surrounding area. This works on cellphones, laptops, tablets, Bluetooth devices, smart meters, Wi-Fi routers, computers, microwaves, baby monitors, hybrid cars, and much more. Alternatively, place the Vita Chip directly on a specific area of your body where you may be feeling pain or general discomfort. Once this is done, the Vita Chip goes into resonance with your body's electromagnetic field and supplies the body with positive frequencies to achieve an optimal state of health.

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