Health Effects Of Wireless Headphones

The main concern with any wireless electronic device is its EMF radiation output. No matter what, any electronic device generates a small amount of radiation that penetrates through solid objects. It’s the nature of electricity and a basic fact of how these devices function.

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David Andres
Does my cell phone lower testosterone?

With reduced testosterone, men are more likely to be afflicted by many sex-specific diseases, including prostate or testicular cancers and even erectile dysfunction. All of these can be traced back to the EMFs that are constantly bombarding the sensitive areas.

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David Andres
Our ipads bad for kids?

As parents, we grew up in a completely different world than today. Instead of playing outside, building treehouses, or playing tag, Kids are now spending hours on Tiktok living a virtual childhood. We all know of our trusty babysitter who is always waiting to entertain your kid: the iPad! Yes, it makes our lives so much easier, but what we don't realize is that children, as well as pregnant women, are the most vulnerable people to the dangerous effects of EMF(electromagnetic frequency) radiation.

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Sensitive to electronics

EMF sensitivity occurs in all people. The symptoms include depression, anxiety, reduced attention, and impaired memory. The more exposure people receive, the worst it can get.

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David Andres
Beauty and the 5G

Beauty is complex. Its perception is societal, but also advocates for natural beauty. How can something decided on by the masses be “natural”? With different tastes and perspectives weighing in it seems like a cruel, eternal joke on women to compete over a single objective fact of how they should look.

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biofeedback back pain treatment

According to the National Health Interview Survey published recently, 25 million American adults suffer from daily pain. Twenty-three million reports a lot of pain, and 14 million have the highest level of pain. Of the various types of pain, lower back pain is the most prevalent.

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David Andres
Always tired? quality sleep not quantity of sleep

Well, rather than sleep quantity sleep, sleep quality is key. Also, there are different sleep phases ranging from shallow sleep to deep sleep. You must ‘cycle through’ these phrases at your own pace. But sleep duration can be too short and too long and both may have detrimental effects. So, a night of healthy sleep is pretty much a question of individual needs.

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David Andres
EMF and stress

I know, you will very likely not want to bother reading just another blog on the worn-out topic ‘stress’. Literally millions of articles have been written about it. No real revelations to be expected, right? Well, you might be wrong this time. So, I’d like you to bear with me for just a bit – I might surprise you.

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David Andres